
Showing posts from September, 2011

Disney World!

First, I will start out by saying that we had a GREAT time at Disney World.  We had so much fun and can't wait to go back. Second, watch for upcoming posts with more details of our trip. Finally, I will leave you with our Disney World Photos !!  (It is through Snapfish and may ask you to log in.  If it does and you do not have an account, you can email me HERE  and I can email you a direct link to the album where you do not have to log in.) Enjoy!!

New Pictures ... Vacation Next Week

Here are some pictures of Abigail that I haven't posted yet:  Abigail at Alexa & Bobby's Wedding.  Smiling for the camera.  SUPER ABIGAIL!!!  Next week we are headed to Disney World!!  We are excited and I should have PLENTY of pictures to upload when we return.