When I picked up Abigail yesterday from Daycare, her information sheet said that they reviewed their Letters and Numbers in English and Spanish. I figured Abigail wouldn't have learned her Spanish numbers in one day and didn't mention it. When we got home, we were watching Nick Jr. and one of the commercials talks about all the things children can learn from watching Nick Jr. Examples are Bats - they sleep all day and stay up all night; an Architect designs buildings; and learning their numbers in Spanish - Uno, Dos, Tres ... and I hear Abigail saying the numbers with them in SPANISH! I walk over there and asked her to tell me her numbers in Spanish. Without hesitating, she said, "Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, Cinco, Seis, Siete!!" She counted to seven in Spanish!!! Since then she has counted up to ten, but she forgets two sometimes. :o)
And she has now learned to sing "Jesus Loves Me". She got a baby doll for Christmas that sings "Jesus Loves Me" (thanks Jerry, Donna, Andrew & Lillie) and she has been playing it over and over until she learned most of the words and will sing along with it and by herself! It's so sweet!!
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