Short update
I just wanted to post an update about taking the pacifier away and Abigail's transition to the Two's room at daycare, as well as a couple of other cute things she has done that I wanted to add.
We have been without the pacifier for a week and a few days and she is doing great! I think her main issue with sleeping has been her stuffy nose (she has a sinus infection) because she slept much better last night after being put on antibiotics. She also hasn't asked for the pacifier the last few nights, so that is a big plus!
Abigail's transition to the Two's room at daycare actually went really well. Last week, she had the option to go to Two's or back to Toddler on Thursday and Friday and wanted to go to Toddler. I was afraid that this week would be very hard on her. But today, we walked in and after a little whining, she sat down at the table for breakfast and pointed to the door. I asked her what? Do you want to go? No. Do you want Mommy to go? Yes. So, I gathered my things and left!
Here is something funny that she has been doing lately. I've asked her different things like - what do you want for dinner? Her answer: YELLOW!!!! What animal is this? YELLOW!!!! Who is this? YELLOW!!!!!!!! She is trying to learn her colors - she knows the names of them, but can't quite pick out the correct ones. For a while, everything was green and now it's yellow. :o)
We bought her a bird feeder yesterday. Daddy saw some birds in our front yard Sunday afternoon and showed them to Abigail. So, I told her that I would buy her a bird feeder. I bought it yesterday and put it up on our back deck, so that she could see the birds eating. We went outside and yelled to the birds -- BIRDS, WE HAVE FOOD, COME EAT!!! So, now, she keeps looking at the feeder and watching for birds and telling them to eat. She is obsessed with the feeder and had to show Daddy as soon as he got home last night.
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