Growing up ...

December 18, 2009

Abigail's birthday party was on Sunday, November 22. She had a really great time and received a lot of great gifts from family members. There were 55 people in attendance! Thanks to those who could make it.

Abigail moved up at daycare to the Toddler class. She was supposed to 'transition' during the last week of November, but when they tried to move her back to the Infant class on Monday, she cried until they moved her back. So, she was officially in the Toddler class on Monday, Nov. 30th - no visiting for her.

Also, Abigail now has 2 molar teeth coming through. You can see one that has actually come through and the other one is just under the gums. That will make 3 teeth on top and 5 on the bottom!

Finally, Abigail has been taken off of regular cow's milk. She is apparently lactose intolerant in regards to milk. Right now, we have only taken her off of milk and moved to soy milk. She is going to be trying that this weekend. She had been having trouble sleeping for the past 3 weeks - waking up every hour to 2 hours and in obvious pain. After 2 trips to 2 different doctors and numerous calls to the nurses, we finally figured out that the only thing that sounded right was the lactose in milk. She has been off of all milk since Monday afternoon and it seems to have really helped. Hopefully she will not reject the soy milk when she tries it and we will just keep sailing.


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