6 Month Check-Up
She weighs 17 pounds, 1 ounce, she is 27 inches tall, and her head circumference is 16 1/2 inches. Among other children her age, she is in the 75th percentile for her weight, 90th percentile for her height, and 35th for her head circumference.
At 6 months old (almost), here are some things she has learned to do:
- She can roll over from her back to her stomach and back again.
- She is sleeping on her stomach more. I think she sleeps much better that way.
- She has learned to stick out her tongue and has been doing that when she smiles lately.
- She loves to grab her feet and occasionally gets a foot in her mouth.
- She has learned to squeal and when she is "talking," she usually lets out a higher pitch squeal.
- She eats baby food - at least all of the fruits. Among her favorites are applesauce, pears, and bananas. She will start vegetables soon (maybe tonight). As soon as she finishes the vegetables, she can have meat and vegetables.
- She loves to play. She has so many toys and things to play in, she never gets bored. As long as she is making noise, she is happy.
- She likes to watch cartoons. Her favorites seem to be Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Special Agent Oso, Little Einsteins, and Franklin.
She is growing up really fast.

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