Trip to Atlanta

Abigail went on her first vacation this weekend. We all took a trip to Atlanta. She was very well behaved the entire trip. We were very proud of her. We left Birmingham on Friday night and spent the night at Embassy Suites at Centennial Olympic Park. Abigail stayed in a hotel for the first time! On Saturday, we went to the Georgia Aquarium. It was very crowded, but Abigail loved looking at the fish. Here are some pictures from the Aquarium: After leaving the Aquarium, we went back to the room to rest before going to the Atlanta Braves game! Abigail made it 4 innings before going to sleep. She only cried one time and that was when they played a siren sound over the loudspeakers. She was really good the rest of the time and just sat there looking around at everything. Here are some pictures from the game: Our trip to Atlanta was great. Abigail seemed to enjoy it and it was good to get away for a while.