Over the past weekend, Abigail has learned to do many things. On Friday, she started crawling all over the place. She is now getting into everything she can get her hands on. She will be out of your sight before you realize it. No more sitting on the bed by herself. She tries her best to stand up and walk, but can't figure out how to get onto her feet. She will get on her hands and tip-toes, but can't push herself up yet. I think she will be walking soon. On Saturday, she figured out how to drink out of one of her sippy cups. The spout on it is more rounded and it's similar to a bottle. Also, Dustin, Abigail and I went out to eat Saturday night and while there, Abigail said "Da-da" while Dustin was playing peek-a-boo with her at the table. Now, she says it all the time, just a continuous da-da-da-da-da..... On Sunday, she realized that if she wanted a bottle on the way home from Wal-mart, she had to hold it herself. She held the bottle, but still is having trouble...